Film Editor Agreement

If you`re a film editor, it`s important to have a written agreement in place with your clients to ensure that both parties are clear on the scope of work, payment, and other important details. Here are some key elements to include in a film editor agreement:

Scope of work:

The agreement should clearly outline the scope of work you will be responsible for as a film editor. This may include details such as the length of the final video, the number of revisions allowed, and the timeline for completion. Be as specific as possible to avoid misunderstandings later on.


It`s important to be clear about payment terms, including the total cost of your services and when payment is due. You may want to consider asking for a deposit upfront to secure your services. You should also outline any additional expenses that may be incurred (such as travel expenses), which may be billed separately.

Intellectual property:

The agreement should address ownership of intellectual property rights. Generally, the filmmaker retains the copyright, but you may want to negotiate the right to include samples of your work in your portfolio or showreel.


It`s important to establish confidentiality guidelines to ensure that any sensitive or proprietary information shared with you during the editing process is not disclosed to others.


Include a section that limits your liability in case of errors or omissions, and make sure that clients understand that they are responsible for providing all necessary materials and footage to create the final product.


Include a clause outlining the conditions under which either party can terminate the agreement. This may include issues such as missed deadlines, failure to pay, or breaches of confidentiality.

By including these key elements in your film editor agreement, you can establish clear expectations with your clients and protect yourself in case of any disputes. Remember, it`s always better to have a written agreement in place, even for small projects.